Diversity & Inclusion
We are strong because we are diverse and inclusive. Our culture embraces people of different races, genders, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and religions, and we appreciate the perspectives they bring.
Our work, investments and processes has environment, social and governance (ESG) considerations built firmly in our core. We are determined to support the firms we invest in to improve their corporate value and grow sustainability by putting ESG factors first in their businesses.
As a company, we influence and nurture a culture of people creating multiple impact in our workplaces, communities and the world we live in.
We are strong because we are diverse and inclusive. Our culture embraces people of different races, genders, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, and religions, and we appreciate the perspectives they bring.
We want to do whatever we can to help others move forward in their lives and reduce inequalities in our world. As we give to charities and volunteer our time, we support vulnerable groups such as women, children, refugees, low-income families, and victims of human trafficking.
We constantly think about how to lessen the impact of our actions on the environment. We are involved in a number of projects to help tackle climate change, and we are always actively working to reduce our carbon footprint.
Sustainability and ESG factors are the driving force behind our investment decisions. In 1999, we launched Japan’s first socially responsible investment fund, and we keep improving our ESG efforts and developing innovative ESG solutions for your investments. For example, the pioneering ESG assessments and digital tools we have created help us to make the best possible decisions.
We also understand the urgent need to address climate change through our business so, in 2021, we joined the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. In November 2022, as part of our participation in the initiative, we have launched a 2030 greenhouse gas emission reduction target. This interim target is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030 (compared to levels as of 31 December 2019) for 43% of total groupwide AUM (as of end December 2021). Further details with regards to our climate change approach will be released in our next TCFD report. This shows our commitment to strengthening our response to the crisis, in line with the Paris Agreement.
Read more about Investment Management at Nikko AMThe Global Equity team finds purpose-led Future Quality companies that can attain the best returns on capital. We believe that the market will allocate capital to companies addressing society’s problems, and that they are best placed to sustain relatively higher returns.
ESG is considered across the Global Fixed Income team’s entire offering and is applied at the screening & research and portfolio construction stages. An example is our Global Green Bond strategy which invests in bonds from issuers with the strongest sustainability credentials.
On the US investment team, we believe that ESG factors are inherent to long-term value creation. We view ESG analysis as both return-enhancing and risk-mitigating, so incorporating this appropriately in the investment process when ESG factors are material to investor value is consistent with our fiduciary duty.
Some important information on investment advisory agreements and discretionary investment agreements can be found at https://en.nikkoam.com/risk-information.
Our investment professionals have valuable insights into ESG in investments. We regularly post their thought leadership articles and give updates on the latest sustainability-related developments that are happening at our firm.
insights 11 September 2023
The climate change crisis we are witnessing presents both challenges and opportunities. Focusing on the latter from an investment perspective, in our view asset managers are in a position to help facilitate society’s goals of reducing GHG emissions and decarbonising.
insights 20 MARCH 2023
We believe that there are substantial rewards for those who are capable of driving the push for global decarbonisation. So, the question is: who is building the kit for the world’s net zero ambitions? We believe that the answer, both now and well into the future, is Asia.
insights 22 June 2023
As the green bond market diversifies, sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs), which are linked to an issuer’s broader sustainability performance, have garnered significant investor attention and scrutiny. We believe structural improvements will help make SLBs a more attractive sustainable investment class within the ESG universe.
Our fiduciary duty determines our values and actions. That means we are fully committed to meeting our clients’ needs while also carefully considering the interests of all our stakeholders. There is no question it is part of our fiduciary duty to take ESG principles into account in our investment decisions because these considerations are critical for a firm’s long-term value and sustainable economic growth.
We keep innovating and improving so that we always stay true to the spirit of fiduciary and ESG principles.
Read more about our commitment to fiduciary principlesPolicies and guidelines