Nikko Asset Management (Nikko AM) has been recognised across two categories in Asia Asset Management’s 2019 Best of the Best Awards. Asia Asset Management, The Journal of Investments and Pensions, has acknowledged Nikko AM in Japan as Best Institutional House, for the third year running, and for the first time ever, Singapore ETF Manager of the Year. This is the sixth consecutive year for Nikko AM to be honored by Asia Asset Management.
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. (“Nikko AM”) today announces its support for the Japan-British Society, General Incorporated Association (“the Japan-British Society”). This is initially through a JPY 1 million donation towards planting and maintaining 1,000 cherry trees across parks in the United Kingdom, as a symbol of bilateral friendship between Japan and the UK.
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. (“Nikko AM”) today announces its support for efforts towards commitment to the four areas of impact (Investor disclosure; Corporate engagement; Policy advocacy; Investment) under The Investor Agenda, for the global investor community to address climate change.
Nikko Asset Management (“Nikko AM”) today announces the expansion of its global green bond capability to include a wider investment universe of Sovereign, Supranational and Agency (SSA) green bonds.
At an extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. (“Nikko AM”) has confirmed the appointment of Mari Yamauchi as Outside Director.
Nikko Asset Management today announces a new exchange traded fund (ETF) linked to the S&P 500 Index with a currency hedge for the yen.
Nikko Asset Management today announces that it has augmented its China Equity capability with additional resource based in Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
Nikko Asset Management today announces that it has signed a statement of support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles. Produced and disseminated by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and the United Nations Global Compact, the Principles present seven steps that business and other sectors can take to advance and empower women.
At its Board of Directors meeting today, Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. ("Nikko AM") confirmed the appointment of Yoichiro Iwama as Outside Director. When he assumes the role, he is also to be appointed Chairman of the Firm's Board of Directors, effective 15 May.